2018 Fundraising #8

Matt Miller discusses school fundraising with Alex DeMeo of schoolFUNDCenter

The School Zone Podcast interviews the most innovative companies and programs in the school fundraising and school resource space. Today our host, Matt Miller discusses school fundraising with Alex DeMeo of schoolFUNDCenter on this week’s episode of the School Zone Podcast.

SchoolFUNDCenter is a company that has capitalized on the availability of technology and created an easy, hassle-free way to raise funds for schools. In essence, SchoolFUNDCenter is a portal website that consolidates major retailers into an online shopping portal where parents can simultaneously fulfill their typical, everyday shopping needs and raise funds for their kid’s school. This hassle-free fundraising opportunity, allows schools to raise funds, while keeping their focus on the educating students.

SchoolFUNDCenter focuses on placing fundraising programs in K-12 schools and reaches schools by word of mouth or by promotion through the school PTO or PTA. Once a school is ready to sign up for the program, they can visit www.schoolfundcenter.com and register the school. Once registered, the school simply spreads the word to parents and families so they can adjust their shopping habits and begin fulfilling their typical shopping needs by using the schoolFUNDCenter widget. Although shoppers might think that product costs would be higher, the pricing on the schoolFUNDCenter website is comparable to normal retail pricing in stores, and the retailer pays the school a percentage of each purchase! There is no extra cost to schools at all.

If you are as excited as Matt is about this amazing hassle-free opportunity for schools and want to get your school started with schoolFUNDCenter, visit the schoolFUNDCenter website at: www.schoolFUNDcenter.com and easily get started today in no time!

Contact Information

Website: http://schoolfundcenter.com/

Email: info@schoolbellpartners.com

Phone: 800-417-4613

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