John Howe STEM Institutes SZP

John Howe: STEM Institutes

stem-institutes-logoJohn Howe- STEM Institutes

Some of the fastest growing and highest paying jobs are heavily science, engineering, technology, and math type jobs with an emphasis in computer science. People read this and say “I’d sure love for my kid to be able to compete in that economy, and would love for my kid to be prepared for an engineering education.” This is the economic dynamic for STEM, but there is also a social justice component to the STEM movement as well.

The goal is to help students catch a vision for who they are and for what they can do. I call that STEM confidence and competence. The STEM Institute is a program that offers summer camps with classes ranging from Minecraft, Digital Music Composition, 3D Design, and Flight Simulators to Myth Breakers. The ideal students for STEM are 4th-9th graders interested in math, science, engineering, and technology.

John Howe

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