Think Kindness Erin Fuss

Think Kindness with Erin Fuss

Inspire Random Acts of Kindness with Erin Fuss and Think Kindness

In this day and time negative behavior gets the biggest publicity. Encouraging your students, the future of our world, to random acts of kindness will be the game changer.

Think Kindness can help you with that. They spark Kindness Movements in elementary, middle, and high schools  across the United States and even a few places abroad.

“Our Mission is to inspire measurable acts of kindness in schools and communities around the world.”

Think Kindness believes that each act of Kindness, no matter how small, has an unforeseeable ripple effect that makes the world a better place. Students that participate in the Think Kindness programs are taught the life skills and importance of forgiveness, family, the value of people, and the value of themselves, to name a few

“You can never under estimate the power of a simple act of kindness.”
– Brian Williams, Founder

Spread a little kindness and impact a lot of lives with the help of Think Kindness! Visit the website below for more information.





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