Craig Scoville Clean Water Kids 800x800

A Life-Changing Service Project Called Clean Water Kids

Clean-Water-KidsHere’s a short video that brings to life the needs in other parts of the world and the impact Kid’s Across Cultures plays a part in making.

Kids Across Cultures (KAC) is an organization committed to improving the lives of children and families across the world. Matt talks with Craig Scoville, a board member for this organization, and together they discuss just what KAC does, and what a life changing program it truly is. KAC leads water projects overseas, working to improve the quality of the drinking water in small villages. Craig talks about how the lack of clean drinking water makes many children sick, and unable to perform in school. This organization travels to a village and meets the leaders and influential individuals looking for change and together they work to create clean drinking water for the community. They typically build a holding tank, and an enclosed piping system that runs from the tank into the home. A CWF water filter is also installed in every home.. This filter is over 99 percent effective in filtering out every sort of contamination.

KAC has recently launched a program that gets schools in the United Sates directly involved in their work. The program ’Clean Water Kids’ is a life changing service project that allows students to be a part of providing clean water to other children overseas. Craig says that, “you find real life by giving yours away”. Clean Water Kids is a program that encourages students to look beyond themselves and into the world to see other children like them, and to give other kids a chance to succeed by providing clean drinking water in their community.


Show notes:

  • Background of Craig Scoville [03:44]
  • More about some of the water projects KAC has done, specifically the filter project [06:05]
  • About the CWF water filters [09:49]
  • Success stories of the long term project on a broader scale[11:28]
  • About the school program, Clean water kids [19:18]
  • How schools can reach out to get involved with Kids across cultures.[29:10]

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