Archive | Character

Matt Miller talks school fundraising with Steve Wilzbach of Lucky Kats

Lucky Kats, Inc. with Steve Wilzbach

Welcome to the School Zone Podcast. This week Matt Miller talks school fundraising with Steve Wilzbach of Lucky Kats. In the School Zone this week, Matt Miller talks school fundraising with Steve Wilzbach of Lucky Kats, Inc. Unlike any other fundraiser in the industry, Lucky Kats is an after school, digital program that aims to […]

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Harlem Wizards

Harlem Wizards with Eric Jones

The School Zone Podcast welcomes Eric “Broadway” Jones and the Harlem Wizards to the School Zone. Eric Jones has been part of the Harlem Wizards for 18 years and feels fortunate to be able to travel the country entertaining people. In 1962, Howie Davis started the Harlem Wizards. The team is now owned by Todd […]

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David Holden, Wheels of Freestyle SZP 800x800

David Holden – Wheels of Freestyle

Wheels of Freestyle has delivered more than 6000 extreme sports performances worldwide, they produce running shows at places like Disney’s California adventure park, Lego land, Silver Dollar City, and Hershey’s Park etc. They also have a BMX show that they do for schools and are impacting kids all over the nation. When we first started […]

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Tim Wambach SZP Cover 800x800

Handicap This! With Tim Wambach

Tim Wambach from “Handicap This!” productions. We turned our story into a two man staged show called Handicap this!” We use Mike’s and I’s relationship as a kind of the thread that goes through the needle of the show. Mike has cerebral palsy and has virtually no movement in his arms and legs. Through the […]

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Inspire Your Kids To Read With The Principled Primates Marlin and Percy

Marlin and Percy is a fairly new comic book series that has been in the making for many years now. These comics came about from a desire of Matt’s to want kids to be interested in reading, as well as to create a clean, uplifting comic book series. Caleb Bollenbacher, a graduate from Baylor University […]

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Jeff Goodin Champion Factory 800x800

Positively Impact Your Students With The High Energy School Programs of the Champion Factory

Jeff Goodin is a motivational speaker as well as an entertainer. He was a college gymnast, a daredevil, and a mascot for two NBA teams. Jeff has transitioned from using his acrobatic skills as an NBA mascot into using these talents to inspire positive change in students by speaking at school assemblies. He has started […]

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